Saturday, 8 September 2012

Tips and news :D

Hallow :3
Well....I searched 'Moviestarplanet' on amazon and take a looky at what I found!
Out 1st October, so I probs will get it for my B-Day

That annoys me, but at the same time I'M EXCITED!
I'm annoyed because I was writing my own guide to MSP, and I've wrote alot for it. and I mean ALOT! I spent ages getting pics, getting the font right, getting lots of info....GRRRRRR!!!!
I'm excited though, because it will make me a better moviestar, than me just writing about what my moviestar is like.....Hehe :)

So because a guide is already coming out, I'll give you tips through my blog posts! And yes, I DO know what I'm doing, so trust me. If it doesn't work, you have MY pemmition to complain :D Okay....My fist set of tips....

                                          TEN WAYS TO EARN STARCOINS!

  1. Spin the Starcoin Wheel everyday.
  2. Watch other moviestar's movies
  3. get MSP magazine
  4. get others to watch your movies
  5. Buy SC/V.I.P
  6. Click the bag with the $ on in chatrooms
  7. Love artbooks.....You don't earn much SC but still!
  8. If you have a pet, wash it everyday
  9. Go to lots of peoples houses/Pet park chatroom and love all of their pets!
  10. Win competitions!
Yeah.....The obvious but still helpful to people who didn't know! I kinda got stuck, so it's not THAT good, but hey, I tried!

Oh....Yeah. I'm gonnna be doing research on stuff like Twin Towers, Big Ben, Aload of other famous tower thingies, Celebs and other stuff. Each post will be all about that, and me doing somethingon MSP to do with it. Say, I looked up Katy Perry, I'd dress up like her or find a look, and then put it on here. You will know If its something like this because the title will say this at the beggining or end, and this one is an example of my first one:

Katy Perry Reasearch and pictures

I underlined the part that it would be

MmmmHmmm Hayley OUTTA this situation!
Classical, LIKE A BOSS B)

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